Monday, December 19, 2016


Alarming Situation Of Indian Sex

Action deficit!
Blame our urban lifestyles for driving the sex away. "Work and home-related stress, lack of time and privacy, and absence of work-life balance, chores, children and commutes all eat away at the desire component vital to sexual relations," says eminent sexologist Dr Prakash Kothari.

Caught up in the hectic whirligig of life in Mumbai, 39-year-old Rashi, a mother of two, can't remember how long ago it was at she last had sex with her husband. "Probably, when I conceived my second child!," she jokes, and adds, "It's not that we are over sex or we don't get aroused, but the two of us are so bushed when we finally hit the sack close to midnight that the hormones just won't oblige. A classic situation of the spirit being willing but the flesh too weak to take part."

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